Thursday, April 24, 2014

New bomb detecting robots

Bomb detecting robots are constantly evolving. There is not one robot that can do every job.The 510 bot is the most versatile bot on the market.It also has four cameras and the claw can lift up to 30 lbs.Another feature is it can look in first floors of buildings.Robots are becoming more useful and the demand for them is higher in world wide attacks.for the video click here

Thursday, April 17, 2014

ways states and country s are making roads

In France some of the roads are dangerous. Some people put up black silhouettes to represent deaths on that road. This helped people focus on the road. Also, in India the put smiley face road signs that frown at you if you are going over the speed limit. This has dropped the fatality rate by 37%. They also made roads bumpier to slow people down.for more information click here

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

5 year-old hacks xboxlive account

This 5 year-old simply typed in the wrong password then pressed the space bar repetitively and hit enter.This acted like a unlocked back door to any profile. After Microsoft was alerted it was fixed.The boy will be sent a cold membership and five games.At least the problem was fixed before anyone else found here for video

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

solar powered plane

This plane is solar powered and can pretty much fly nonstop.It has a wing span of 72 meters.The seat is multipurpose. The seat can recline and be used for a toilet. Also,it only weighs 2,300 kilos.It also has 17,000 solar cells. The old version could only travel for 26 days while this one can fly as long as the supplies last.The isolation is thick foam that can with stand below 40 degrees celcius.for more information click here

Monday, April 14, 2014

blood moon

Next Tuesday there will be one of four total blood moon eclipses. This is a rare event. NASA says it will be a oranges red color that night. They will be in the skies all next week. So have fun and try and see it

Monday, April 7, 2014

hydrogen cars?

The new electric cars have limited range and over-night charging.  The hydrogen cars use hydrogen and oxygen to power the car. Also, it only produces water vapor instead of carbon dioxide. Another thing is it refuels like a combustion car. Research also says that the automotive industry has increased by a hundred since the 19 hundreds.(video)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This creature the chupacabra, from myth has shown up all over the country. Most have glowing blue eyes at night when light is shined on them.Also, they look like a dog but have no hair and use there front paws to eat unlike a dog.Another thing is it has a growl like no other animal.It has large claws,and tons of teeth also.Most biologists think its a small dog with mange.for video click here

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hamburg a city in Germany is trying to go car free in the next 2 decades. Gruenes nets will cover forty percent of the city. Gruenes net is a green area where no cars are allowed.  Also, a common European trend is banishing cars in urban areas. Since the first car the total number of cars has swollen to well over a billion. Research shows this spurt is peaking. to read more click here